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Key Note Speaker

Tuttle Twins - Elijah Stanfield 

Workshop 1: Bill Peet's Freak Show:
Bill Peet was a beloved storyteller and illustrator known for his children’s books, and his long career at Disney. He contributed to many classic films, such as Pinocchio, Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty. However, the films that were distinctly his include Dumbo, The Sword in the Stone, and Lambert, the Sheepish Lion. After leaving Disney, Peet focused on writing and illustrating his own books, including Whingdingdilly, Buford the Little Bighorn, and Huge Harold. A common theme in his creations is the story of deformed outcasts being thrust into situations that reveal their "disabilities" as their most valuable gifts to the world.

Even among homeschooling families, the residue of generations of government educational philosophies keeps many stuck in paradigms of standardization, grading, and conformity. The truth is that these methods were designed to extinguish a child's unique characteristics, suppress their creative nature, and crush their confidence—all the things necessary for them to fulfill their unique purpose, the very traits that make them special and valuable to society. Sometimes the greatest obstacle between young people and their full potential, is parents who are afraid of their children's "abnormalities".


Workshop 2: 10 Things More Remarkable Than a Harvard Degree:
It’s becoming more mainstream to admit that diplomas and degrees are the least meaningful credentials on a résumé these days. A degree from an Ivy League university carries more stigma of entitlement and troublemaking, than it does of identifying the sharpest minds. In our modern-day situation, where less-than-mediocre standards have become the norm, what credentials and traits truly make one stand out among the masses?

Workshop Speakers

Northwest Treasures - Patrick Nurre

Workshop 1: Four Powerful Words to Defend and Build Your Faith:

Most Christians desire to be able to present their faith to others. But they are often held back from this because they aren’t confident in their ability to answer questions that cross the lines of science and faith. There are Four Powerful Words that if understood correctly will help you to navigate the debate that rages around Genesis, our origins, and the Flood. And these words can be applied to every single scientific question or debate. They will help you to acquire enough understanding to confidently answer many of the intimidating questions used by modern scientists that confuse those who trust the Scriptures.

Workshop 2: I Don’t Want to Teach Geology!:

Do you feel this deep inside? Teaching geology is frightening to some, tearing at the fabric of their faith. To others, it is just plain boring. But Geology is the beginning point of understanding biology, astronomy, paleontology, anthropology, archaeology, and so much more.  If we hope to win the battle for our children’s minds in the area of worldview, it is vitally important that we teach geology with the importance that it deserves. This seminar will equip you on how to teach geology effectively.

Simply Convivial - Mystie Winckler

Presenting the stages of homeschooling, from preschool to graduates. Funny stories from various stages of life from when Mystie was being homeschooled.  You won't want to miss this engaging presentation of how fun it can be to homeschool.

Learning Ladyhood Press - Gwendolyn Harmon

Sowing Seeds of Quality Writing:

Whether you are raising a budding author, or simply want your children to be able to communicate effectively as adults, the ability to write well is key. Drawn both from my own experience as a homeschool graduate and author, as well as fifteen years of classroom teaching, this session is designed to inspire and equip you with some practical ways to plant those seeds of quality writing. 

The Homestead Education - Kody and Ron Hanner

Homeschooling on the Homestead or Child-Led Learning:

Gain a great new perspective on not stressing yourself out and, very importantly, a dad's point of view on homeschooling.  Be inspired by long-time homeschoolers and homesteaders.

Sea Sense Learning - Waldo and Deanna Vega

Homeschooling can be a challenge! At Sea Sense Learning, we believe that all learning is social emotional learning. When a child is having difficulties regulating their emotions, learning can be a challenge. Our program, “Turtle Clam Crab” is a fun and engaging curriculum that is simple to teach. In less than 15 minutes your child will be on their way to saying and showing how they feel and learn calming moves to get their learning brain back on track.

Bohnet Music Academy - Sean Bohnet

Raising Musical Giants: Why and How Music Should Always Be Taught in Your Home:

Sean will be discussing the reason why music must be a centerpiece in our homes and in our homeschooling. He will discuss a biblical case for this as well as the practical considerations for how we can have music fill our homes and curriculum.

Prairie & Pine Curriculum - Kelsey Harms and Bethany Hutson

Say goodbye to imposter syndrome: Empowering parents to teach at the High School and Middle School levels:

Homeschooling at the middle and high school levels can feel overwhelming, especially as your child’s academic needs grow and evolve. In this empowering session, we’ll address the common feelings of imposter syndrome many parents face when teaching older students. Learn practical strategies to build confidence in your role, and discover how to successfully manage transcripts, course credits, and high school planning. With tips for staying organized and motivated, you’ll leave ready to continue homeschooling through the high school years with confidence. We’ll also open the floor for questions, providing personalized insights to support your homeschooling journey.

Classical Conversations

5 Tools to Help Your Children Think Well and Develop Understanding:

Discover the tools that teach your children how to think well and develop understanding of any subject, topic, or trade. We will model these tools allowing you to experience them yourself!

Homeschool Life - Jonathan and Adriana Prescott

The truth behind school choice: What homeschoolers need to know:

Come learn about what school choice or "vouchers" are and how they effect your homeschool.

Lindsay Asmus

Homeschooling is hard.  There are so many demands placed on us that by the end of the day we often feel empty and weary.  But to show up as the mom we need to be for our kids, we must figure out how to take care of ourselves.  Now, I know a spa day sounds like the perfect solution, but that’s probably not realistic.  So, what can we do?  Focusing on some small daily practices can help fill our cup and strengthen our resolve.  Lindsay is a mama of 3 who spent the first years drowning in defeat and self-sabotaging lies.  While she doesn’t have it all figured out yet, she is learning how to stand in the strength and victory of the Lord and show up as the mom God has called her to be.  In this session, we will discuss disciplines of our mind, body, and spirit, and how we can take small steps in a healthier direction.  

Team Kind Humans - Katie Doughty

Kind Schooling 101:

Are you worried about raising your kid to be kind? Do you want to create a culture of kindness in your homeschooling but don’t have the time to add one more curriculum to your schedule? Come join Team Kind Humans for an engaging presentation that explores the benefits of infusing kindness into the learning and daily activities you’re already doing.  Discover how simple, kid-friendly community service projects can teach valuable life skills while fostering empathy and compassion in your children.

Learn how to implement Katie’s most effective KindSchooling philosophy into any subject you are teaching. You’ll leave with a clear action plan and a wide variety of examples that you can implement immediately. Your kids won’t even realize they are learning and growing, they will just be having fun! Kick the whining to the curb and connect with your kids in a deep and meaningful way. Join us for an evening of encouragement, ah-has, and support as you raise your little humans to be kind.

Turning Point USA - Ruby Ruiz

Fueling Future Leaders: How Charlie Kirk's Turning Point USA is Organizing the Largest Student Grassroots Movement:

In this workshop, we’ll explore how Turning Point USA (TPUSA), led by Charlie Kirk, has become the largest grassroots student movement in the U.S., mobilizing young conservatives to actively engage in their values and ideals in the community. You’ll learn the strategies behind TPUSA’s success, including grassroots activism, campus organization, and building a community of engaged students. We’ll also discuss how to apply these methods in a homeschool setting to inspire students to advocate for conservative values and become future leaders. This session will equip you with practical tools to foster activism and leadership within your homeschool community.

Downing Family Tutoring - Andre and Emilly Downing

Your child's best teacher:

How the hidden curriculum of parenting can lead to improvement in academics, and increased enjoyment of home schooling

Teach the Children


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"Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates."

Deuteronomy 6:4-9

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